Who is this mystic NIKKI? Well when I first was asked to speak about Nicole
and her Art – this is what first came to mind without prompting :
yellow, red, blue, sun, sand sky and sea as we see in many of her paintings
Erotic - The grand dame et notre sexy Madame Gluglu
Energy – fitness, golf
Potpourri, piri piri - piment, chilli spicy
Sparkling with colour, sensuality, eroticism and RAWenergy!
Nickki was born in the Ivory Coast in Africa and started her passion for painting with porcelain.
After some years of detailed work she actually decided to abandon this technique and to express herself in large format (80/80-120/160- 80/120).
Her painting methods range from Oil , to acrylic ,textures mixed with raw natural materials such as ash, rust, sand , plaster and asphalt, and these characterise her work giving it depth and transparency .
Her greatest training ground is her natural gift! And It goes without saying that her journeys to the four corners of the world and her exotic origins are a great source of influence ( French, Vietnamese, Cape Verdean and Lebanese)
However and as we all know , her passion does not just stop there, with painting because she is also a passionate golfer and photographer .
For the last 10 years she has dedicated her time to paintings which represent her vision of the colourful world (Examples are the paintings : for a better World, Love is Life).
We can detect her inspiration gained from women's bodies, painted faces with enigmatic eyes and sensual lips that lend this sensuality to her paintings (Examples are: Anastasia, Dehlia, Red light district, nude and thousand senses)
Her series of black and white paintings are a contrast to her colorful Art but here we recognise the link via her passion for Nude Bodies.
The last few years in Bern have also been a source of inspiration if we look at certain paintings such as Bernerbär-Zähringen Bär and Bernstein.
Here a quote from the artist herself:
"When I paint I have the feeling of being carried by buried emotion which frees my body and my mind. The forms come to life after a few days, weeks or months after observing the painting in progress”
"For me painting is a therapy that calms my state of mind.
I think that ideas have their own lives and that they appear to me so that I can make them reality".
2015 ArtPosition 15 Freiburg
2018 Villettengässli 59 3074 Muri
2019 Villa Villetta 7.8 2019
2023 ArtPosition23 Murten 1-3. 9.2023